How to stop ark server without shutting down linode

Hello, I'm trying to upload files to my ark server on linode like mods or save files, but I can't make any change to the server when it's running, in the same time, I lose access to FTP, like FileZilla when I shutdown linode (obviously), I checked ark setup guides and they mention this command "systemctl stop ark", when I try this command it says something about ark.service not setup, so I tried to set it up manually like in the guide but ended up messing everything up and the server stopped responding (yeah I'm very new to this). So, made a new linode with ARK server hosting from the marketplace and so far it's going great, but I would really love to upload some mods to the server. Any ideas?

1 Reply

they mention this command "systemctl stop ark", when I try this command it says something about ark.service not setup

There's nothing magic about systemd service description files. They're just text files put in a magic place that systemd reads in response to systemctl {start, stop, restart} commands. Their structure is very similar to *.ini files:


Doing this is not for the faint of heart or those still serving their apprenticeship in the Trade of Linux… systemd has its fingers in every part of the system and breaking it will break your system…irrevocably.


systemd is prob the biggest reason why my Linode does not run Linux anymore. Aside from it being a bloated solution in search of a problem, it's full of bugs…and coded without using any semblance of good practice.

-- sw


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