Viewing VNC<

Hi there,

I'm running Fedora Core 6, and have wanted to install a VNCserver on the box for quite some time. So I have recently yum-ed it into the system, and configured it properly. However, after I started the service, I noticed (via nmap) that the ports that were suppose to be open, aren't.

If anyone could lead me in the right direction, that would be great!

  • teeth.


Heh, silly me. As soon as I typed "vncserver" it created even more config files, and it works now. However, now I get checkboard options. Ideas on getting past this?


9 Replies



Heh, silly me. As soon as I typed "vncserver" it created even more config files, and it works now. However, now I get checkboard options. Ideas on getting past this?


What do you mean by checkboard options?

Apparently, it's something about a desktop manager?

So, I've installed FluxBox, and when I attempt to run it, I get this:

Warning: Failed to open file(/usr/share/fluxbox/nls/en_US.UTF-8/
for translation, using default messages.
Error: Couldn't connect to XServer

So then, I CD into /usr/share/fluxbox/nls/ and notice there is no directory titled en_US.UTF-8 only a blank file.



Well, you could try compiling fluxbox rather than

using the red Hat install as a test.



Apparently, it's something about a desktop manager?

So, I've installed FluxBox, and when I attempt to run it, I get this:

Warning: Failed to open file(/usr/share/fluxbox/nls/en_US.UTF-8/
for translation, using default messages.
Error: Couldn't connect to XServer

So then, I CD into /usr/share/fluxbox/nls/ and notice there is no directory titled en_US.UTF-8 only a blank file.

That directory is just for translations which you don't need.

The main problem is Fluxbox couldn't connect to your XServer. Do you have vncserver and X windows running and correctly setup?

Wish I could give you more pointers on how to hook the 2 together, but I've never run either on a Linode. Seems like a waste of resources to me…

Thanks for help, guys. I got this working with the following site:

Thing is, I modified /home/root/.vnc/xstartup to start up gnome-session instead of twm, from there, I didn't even bother with xServer because it has a VT issue with the linodes. Start up vncserver, and it works like a charm.

I don't run fedora, so I'm not sure whether this will work, or whether it will be easy, or what.

But try going to and dowloading FreeNX. The difference in performance is astonishing.

You'll need to install 3 packages on your linode – nxclient, nxnode, and nxserver.

VNC is multiplatform, and it's free, and there's a lot of great things to say about it.

But FreeNX is the best remote access software I've ever seen, it's much better than the stuff MS and Citrix use. If you have a good connection at home, it feels almost like a local desktop.


But try going to and dowloading FreeNX. The difference in performance is astonishing.

You'll need to install 3 packages on your linode – nxclient, nxnode, and nxserver.

VNC is multiplatform, and it's free, and there's a lot of great things to say about it.

But FreeNX is the best remote access software I've ever seen, it's much better than the stuff MS and Citrix use. If you have a good connection at home, it feels almost like a local desktop.

I'm going to take this advice and use NX Free from Can anyone offer me (a noob) some detailed steps for setting it up on my Ubuntu 7.10 Linode and then connecting to my Linode server from my Ubuntu GNOME desktop? Thanks.

Here are a couple of useful links: * *

*<url url="">~~[](</s><e>)~~[](</s><e>)</url>

*<url url="">~~[](</s><e>)~~[](</s><e>)</url></list> 

On a separate topic, the NoMachine NX Free Edition is not the same as FreeNX and should not be confused. NoMachine NX is the official supported version of NX. The FreeNX project attempts a solution that is built on the technology components which NoMachine has contributed to the OpenSource community. Now that NoMachine provides an official NX Server product that is free for personal use and testing, the FreeNX is no longer necessary. And in fact, there have been no updates to the FreeNX project for many months.


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