DNS Uptime Guarantee

The TOS gives us a 99.5% uptime guarantee on "on all Linode hardware, and on network connectivity". Does this apply to DNS service on the zones I have hosted in the DNS Manager as well?

I'm curious to know because so far Linode's DNS has been more reliable than GoDaddy's nameservers which I'm using for most of my domains now.

2 Replies

In my mind it should, so I'll make that change.

Out of curiosity (so I may avoid a similar fate), what's the nature of problems you've had with GoDaddy's DNS?



Out of curiosity (so I may avoid a similar fate), what's the nature of problems you've had with GoDaddy's DNS?

Sometimes their servers will just become unreachable for a period of time. I think it's because of a routing issue close to them but I don't really know.

It looks like you have the two Linode DNS servers in the different datacenters so it would just fall back to the secondary server if one of the DCs had a routing issue.

Thanks! I'll be moving the rest of my domains over sometime soon.


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