How do I paste from my local PC into WEBLISH Console?

I want to paste the password into LISH console from Linode management dashboard. But ctrol+V doesn't paste into the console, how can I avoid manually typing a 64-bit password into the linux terminal?

2 Replies

how can I avoid manually typing a 64-bit password into the linux terminal?

You can't. You can't copy/paste from lish/glish at all.

To that end, most people here set up ssh with public-/private-key authentication to avoid typing in passwords at all. That still doesn't work with lish/glish because of it's magic status as the Linux console device.

What ssh does give you is the ability to log in to your Linode from a cmd window or using something like putty. Just about the only time I use the console is when I want to watch the boot log in real time.

-- sw

Weblish allows me to paste into and copy from it. However, when pasting to weblish (ctrl v) the text won't actually show, but it's there when you press enter. If you have a text file open via nano or vi you won't need to press enter to see the pasted text.

Also, copying FROM Weblish (right click + click copy) does not seem to work in Chrome but does work in Firefox (both Windows and Ubuntu Desktop).

Glish allows no copy/paste. Only Weblish.

But yeah due to Weblish allowing this I usually don't even use ssh and just disable/stop it. Weblish will have issues if you try to paste some really long text (like thousands of lines)


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