What is "SSH Key" on the Linode settings screen used for?

I know all about ssh keys, etc. I use them all the time. I understand putting my public key in the LISH setting on the Linode Settings screen. But what is the reason to put my key into the SSH option on the Setting screen?

Please pardon my stupidity! :-)

5 Replies

Hi @acanton77 -

Adding a public SSH Key via Cloud Manager allows SSH login without needing a password. After adding the public key, you'll have the option to use the key for any new Linode instances you create. When accessing the Linode via SSH using a terminal application, you'll log in using your associated private key instead of the root password.

More information on configuring your account to use SSH keys is available in the guides below:

I hope these resources help clear up any confusion.

When I want to SSH to one of my servers via the IP I use this command:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 me@xxx.xx.xxx.xx

I put my local public ed25519 key in .ssh/authorized file of my Linode and so the above works fine

Are you saying that if I want to login to the Linode Manager I can do so without a password and the Authy 2FA by putting my public key into the settings area?

Sorry, I'm still a bit confused on this.

Are you saying that if I want to login to the Linode Manager I can do so without a password and the Authy 2FA by putting my public key into the settings area?

No, he's not saying that at all… The Linode Cloud Manager doesn't support 2FA. He's saying you can log into your Linode without a password…a shortcut for what you've already done. I would expect this feature is for those that use automation to spin up and destroy Linodes dynamically based on workload.

-- sw

OK, so say you put your public key in the SSH key area of your profile. Does the cloud manager then pop the key into your individual server .ssh/authorized-keys file by "magic." :-)

Does the cloud manager then pop the key into your individual server .ssh/authorized-keys file by "magic." :-)

My guess is that the file that's populated is /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. Linux/Unix doesn't work very well without a root account so that's prob the only account that's created when you create a Linode. From there, it's a simple matter to create necessary ssh files for remote login.

"Magic" is the province of Houdini, Harry Blackstone, charlatans and preachers…

-- sw


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