How do I access a linode to which I have been added to and granted all priviledges?

To allow a client to sort billing of their Linode directly, the idea was for the (not technical at all) client to own the Linode, and add & grant me all privileges (using my email address).

I thought I'd see this Linode listed on my Linodes, and be able to sort domains, etc.

However, I only get an email to reset my password after which the page logs into my account, listing only my existing Linodes. I cannot seem to find a way to access these clients' Linode to do administrative tasks such as managing domain names.

1 Reply

If the client owns the Linode, it appears in the client’s cloud manager account.

Also, domain name admin for the client has to be done using the client’s cloud manager account (presumably the client owns the domain name).

You have to log in to the cloud manager as the client.

“All privileges” means you can log in to the Linode as the super-user. This is very different than access to your client's Linode account (for obvious reasons…there's billing/other-sensitive information located in the account).

I believe the best you can do with this is to use the Linode API to do what you want…BUT, your client has to give you his API key.

— sw


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