how can i add a subdirectory
i want to a add a subdirectory but idk how in on my website
3 Replies
A subdirectory of what?
It is just a folder inside of another folder. (A directory is the actual name of a folder.)
I'm trying to be helpful here when I say that I do not believe you have the experience to be managing your own server.
No knowing how to create a subdirectory is like a cook not knowing how to boil water.
I hope I am wrong.
mkdir /the/path/to/where/you/want/it/<subdirectory>
<subdirectory> is the name of the subdirectory you want.
Before you use it, you need to make sure that the ownership and permissions are correct for your application:
- (ownership) chown --
- (permissions) chmod --
Ownership and permissions (esp. permissions) are slightly different for directories than for files. The two links above point these out. Read carefully, Grasshopper!
-- sw
i forgot to say that i was talking about my website @acanton77