[SOLVED] Custom Gentoo - won't boot

Been a linode customer for about 2 hours, and want to roll my own Gentoo on my linode 384.

I have:

  • Booted Finnix

  • Partitioned disk

  • Expanded stage3 tarball and portage snapshot

  • Edited inittab (added c0 for tty0)

  • Created fstab

  • Ran caker's script to create /dev/ubd*

When I boot my new profile, it returns:

helper_main(dfelicia, /dev/vg1/dfelicia-42858, 0, , 1): mount failed: File exists

I'm new to UML, so must be missing something obvious. Can someone give me a hint?

4 Replies

OK, I figured out lish a bit, and see the problem is that my filesystem is not found:

UDF-fs: No partition found (1)
No filesystem could mount root, tried:  reiserfs ext3 ext2 cramfs minix msdos vfat iso9660 romfs fuseblk udf jfs xfs
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(98,0)

I set it up like so, is this not allowed?

Disk /dev/ubdb: 19.3 GB, 19327352832 bytes
128 heads, 32 sectors/track, 9216 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4096 * 512 = 2097152 bytes

    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/ubdb1               1         123      251888   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/ubdb2   *         124        9216    18622464   83  Linux

My fstab looks like:

/dev/ubda1              none            swap            sw              0 0
/dev/ubda2              /               reiserfs        noatime         0 1
none                    /proc           proc            defaults
shm                     /dev/shm        tmpfs           nodev,nosuid,noexec     0 0


You can ignore the helper_main error message.

I think what you need is to set a custom root device in your configuration profile. Our setup expects / to be /dev/ubda. Yours is /dev/ubda1. There's a setting for this in your config profile. Save, reboot.

Just so you know, partitioning your virtual disk drives will prevent you from being able to utilize our resizing features.


OK, less than 3 hours in, and I am totally impressed! I can't believe you replied to my post, already!

Setting custom root in my profile did the trick.

I'm gonna like this thing, I can tell…

You're welcome – glad I could help.




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