How to set up „reverse“ VPN server, for accessing home-server

Hey, i‘m trying to host my own server at home with an old computer, for some calculation heavy stuff. However i can‘t get a static IP from my ISP.
So i was wondering if it‘s possible to connect my server as a client to a basic Linode VPN server (with a dedicated ip), and forward all incoming traffic on ports beside the VPN one to my server (exposed host like). So basically use the VPN server as an publicIP front.
Dynamic DNS doesn‘t work since the ISP Assigns one public ip to multiple clients, by doing some sort of port-redirection. So only connections that are initiated outgoing are going to be established.
So if it‘s possible, how do i have to configure my OpenVPN server?

1 Reply

Since Dynamic DNS won't work for you, you would likely want to deploy a VPN Linode from our Marketplace (or create one yourself), and then connect to that server to enable port forwarding settings so that it acts as a router:

I am personally a fan of WireGuard, but OpenVPN is another VPN we support as a Marketplace Deployment. For more information about the post-deployment configuration of either, check out the following guides:

Alternatively, Dynamic DNS may still work for you if your ISP-assigned ports (not IPv4 address) remain static. Using either a bash (MacOS/Linux) or PowerShell (Windows) DDNS script with CloudFlare, you could update your DNS entries and in parallel use NGINX as a reverse proxy to forward requests based on your assigned ISP port(s):


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