Bring up my Linode server

When trying to start from the ubuntu-us server, it shows us an error "connect to host X.X.X.X port 22: connection timed out", this error always appears in the login console. We have not been able to lift the application into another server.

What could be my problem, is it when installing the packages on the server or is it an error at the code level of our system.

1 Reply

A lot of things could be at play here and I'll explain them in a little more details. It's not recommended to post your Linodes public IP on a community site like this as this can make you prone to attacks and so I've redacted your IP address.

If you can't get into your Linode via SSH you'd want to use the Lish Console to get in to troubleshoot.

  • You'd want to check and make sure your Linode is powered on. If the Linode is powered on can you reach it via pings? Ping the Linodes IP to see if you get replies back. I tried it on my end here and as you can see from the output below, it wasn't successful which could mean the Linode is down.
 ping -c5 X.X.X.X
PING x.x.x.x (X.X.X.X): 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3

5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
  • If your Linode doesn't respond to pings there could be a firewall blocking ICMP traffic to the Linode. Check your firewall rules. Have you configure the internal firewall of the Linode or do you have a Cloud Firewall attached to this Linode? If so, you'd want to try disabling that and see if that helps. Our Troubleshooting Firewalls guide should be helpful. Not forgetting to mention that your Linode maybe under network restrictions if you have any ToS violation tickets. I ran an nmap scan on your IP address and it shows SSH port 22 is filtered. A filtered port indicates that a firewall, filter, or other network issue is blocking the port.
22/tcp filtered ssh     no-response
  • Next, you should check the status of the SSH service running on your Linode. Depending on the distribution you have, the commands may differ a little bit but this guide should walk you through it.

  • Running ssh in verbose mode can tell you more about why your attempts are failing. Depending on the level of detail you want, can run the command with up to 3 -v's as below:

ssh -vvv <username>@<linode Ip>

You can also find some more information on some common ssh issues, as well as more details on verbose mode, in our Troubleshooting SSH and Troubleshooting Basic Connection Issues Guide.


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