Database Error after attached new volume.

I don't know much about Debian. My Linode is with Debian 10.

When my storage is full, I tried to attach a new volume.

I did it as per configuration commands. But storage doesn't work.

So I deattach and attach again and use the commands again and again.

Now my website got "database establishing error". I can't restart SQL server.

I have no idea how should I do.
Actually, I really don't know how volume attaching works. I simply thought it would work when attached.

Kindly help me please.

1 Reply

If your web server is displaying a message about connecting to the database, then that's a web server issue. That means whatever web server you're running (Apache and NGINX are the most popular) is unable to communicate with the database service that you're running on your Linode.

More often than not, this occurs after a Linode reboot because the database service is not enabled to start at boot. This Community Questions post has some great answers for how to address this error:

Error establishing a database connection

As for the Block Storage Volume, I'm not sure I have enough information here to provide much insight. If you could post error messages or specfic steps that you've taken would help with understanding what the issue could be. What I would say here is to go over our guides and reread all the steps to compare them with what you've entered. Using the history command will allow you to see the previous commands you've entered. I've worked with mounting and using Block Storage Volumes a number of times in the past and I always follow the guides without error:


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