How do I apply my 100 credit

Hello team,

I just started using linodes for a school class last month, and only just saw that you could get 100$ credit, though I can't seem to "activate" it. I hope you can help, thanks in advance!!

2 Replies

I located your Linode account and applied the promo credit. You should see it immediately reflected in your balance under Promotions. Please be aware that this credit expires after a predefined trial period which is 60 days for this credit. Any remaining credit will be removed from the account if the expiring credits are not used before the expiration period after which your card ending will be charged.

You can check your remaining balance by clicking on the Account tab in your Cloud Manager.

I have need any further assistance or have any questions, feel free to give us a call at U.S. 855-454-6633/Global +1-609-380-7100 or open up a ticket and our support team will assist you accordingly.

I'm having this same issue except I'm not seeing 🕵️‍♂️Promotions underneath balance.


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