Why my rsync commands aren't working at night?

Hello everyone,

I keep my static blog locally and publish it on the Net with a rsync command that uploads the site just generated on my Linode.

Some weeks ago (not sure exactly when) I noticed that, if I do rsync on my local daytime, it instantly works (like it used to do).

If the rsync command goes on by night, nothing happens and my site doesn't update.

The behavior is absolutely consistent and the command stays in a script, that's always the same; I just recall it with up-arrow in the shell.

What could I do?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

I guess I don't understand.

You write a new blog entry each day locally and use rsync to upload it to your Linode?

What is your local machine… Mac or PC or Linux?

How are you doing the rsync? Via a bash script? What are you using to 'kick off' the script at night? Crontab?

Rsync only does incremental updates so if thee are no updates there is no upload. Are you using the rsync option for it to log? You should.

Too many variables here so please elaborate in detail if you can.

(Rsync is an incredibly complex command. It is great for directories with lots of files in them. But if this is just one file you might want to use the scp command instead as it is far less complex.)

This is a new one on me…commands that work differently (or don't work at all) depending on the time of day. As @acanton77 replied, you're going to have to provide more information.

I have two suspicions here:

  • the cron job that runs rsync isn't running when you think it is; or
  • your rsync commands are dependent on the create/modify/access times of files/directories…and the computation of time windows using these has a bug (so it thinks it has nothing to do).

If I had to place a bet, I'd bet on the first one. Let's hope your job leaves enough tracks to troubleshoot this…

-- sw


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