CPU Usage since migration (host75)

Ever since I did the migration to host 75 I'm having a cpu utilization problem. Specifically, rngd is eating the cpu alive. My loads have up to the migration averaged < 0.3, since the change I'm well over 1.0…..rngd is definatly the culprit….

I'd leave it shut down, but apache starves for entropy and refuses to start….

1 Reply

I had the same problem until I disabled force-feeding of entropy to the random device. This may be done with the option "–feed-interval". From rngd's manual pages:
> -t n, –feed-interval=n (default: 60)

If feed-interval is not zero, rngd will

force-feed entropy to the random device even

when the entropy pool is full every feed-

interval seconds. Setting this too low may

cause rngd to dominate the contents of the

entropy pool.


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