Add a hostname with an underscore to a DNS CNAME record?

Mailchimp wants a CNAME record with an underscore in it. The Linode DNS record editor is not allowing that. It truncates the hostname entered. gets changed to k2._domainkey

CNAME Underscores
Not all DNS providers allow underscore characters in the Name field of CNAME records, such as the one necessary for the lookup of [selector]._domainkey.[]. This is against specifications, but it is still seen occasionally, even from a handful of widely used services.

SharpSpring recommend any of the following options:

Contact your current DNS provider for assistance. While some DNS providers do not directly allow users to create CNAME records within their user interface (UI), some customers have been able to successfully escalate a request to their DNS provider for adding CNAME records containing underscores.

1 Reply

It looks like you're trying to create a CNAME related to Based on Mailchimp's Connect a Domain or Subdomain guide, you've already set that in a previous step. I think removing that from the URL that you're trying to add will make this work.


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