My server isn't working

My server isn't working.. my site isnt reachable, eventhou it's running as mentioned the linode account
Please can you help me

1 Reply


If you are having issues with your Linode I would suggest opening a support ticket here:

You said your site isn't reachable either so I’ll need a bit more information regarding your server configurations and what you are using to run your site.

Are you seeing any particular errors on your Linode and what is the URL of your site? Are you using Nginx or Apache to run this site?

If you haven't, I would take a look at the guides we offer related to setting up your Web Server as well as troubleshooting steps when running into errors. I'll link some of them below.

Apache Webserver
Troubleshooting Common Apache Issues

General Troubleshooting Steps for Web Servers
Troubleshooting Web Servers, Databases, and Other Services

Hope this helps.


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