My SSH keeps timing out

My SSH keeps timing out rapidly, I don’t know why. It’s to a Linode Debian 11 Bullseye server.

It didn’t used to be like this.

Does anyone know why this might happen and how I can rigorously investigate it?

Thank you very much

1 Reply

I found a couple of other Community Question posts that may be helpful here, related to sshd configurations that can be adjusted on the Linode:

Another possibility is a problematic internet routing connection from your local machine to the Linode. The best way to determine this is using the MTR report tool. It adds the power of the ping tool on top of a traceroute to give us a better idea of what's happening with each hop the traffic takes. Since internet networking is a two-way connection, running MTR reports in both directions will give you the best idea of where the issue lies, and if there are indeed issues along the route. The following Community Questions post covers the basics of what you'll need to know about MTR reports:

That said, I'm not sure what exactly is happening for your Linode. It would be helpful if you could share any messages you're seeing. Are there any other processes running on the Linode at the time the connection drops? Have you reviewed any internal logs on the Linode?


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