helm not installing metrics-server

i'm trying to install metrics-server using helm, i'm following the official linode video tutorial, which uses this helm command

helm upgrade --install metrics-server bitnami/metrics-server \
--create-namespace --namespace metrics-server \
--set apiService.create=true \
--set extraArgs.kubelet-insecure-tls=true \
--set extraArgs.kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP

unfortunatly it is throwing this error

coalesce.go:175: warning: skipped value for metrics-server.extraArgs: Not a table.
coalesce.go:175: warning: skipped value for metrics-server.extraArgs: Not a table.
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: YAML parse error on metrics-server/templates/deployment.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 57: did not find expected '-' indicator

can someone help with this,


2 Replies

I ran into the same problem. Looks like the helm chart changed. This worked for me:

helm upgrade --install metrics-server bitnami/metrics-server \
--create-namespace --namespace metrics-server \
--set apiService.create=true \
--set --extraArgs.kubelet-insecure-tls=true \
--set --extraArgs.kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP

Looks like it changed in April 2022 from a map/table to a list (github).

I'm using the following values.yaml

  create: true
  - --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP
  - --kubelet-insecure-tls
namespaceOverride: <NAMESPACE>

so that pods Args are set like so:


edit: change extraArgs in values.yaml to list of multiple strings


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