Trouble using BeEf

Whenever i set up a linode with BeEf and try to check the cat /root/ in cmd, it shows that BeEF is not found.

please help

3 Replies

It sounds like you may not be waiting long enough for the Marketplace App to finish deployment.

I deployed a fresh BeEF Ubuntu 20.04 Linode in Toronto just now, and it took about 10 minutes for the installation process to complete after the initial server deployment. Once completed, I saw this:

root@localhost:~# ls /root

If you look in your /root/ directory and see files that reference StackScript or ssinclude, it means that the installation process is incomplete. You can also run tail /var/log/stackscript.log to track your deployment's progress or use top to see if installation processes are still running.

Used the tail /var/log/stackscript.log and its been stuck on
"[INFO] Detecting Ruby environment…
[INFO] Ruby version 2.7.0 is installed
[INFO] Updating rubygems…"

for over 24 hours

[INFO] Ruby version 2.7.0 is installed

Ruby 2.7.0 is positively ANCIENT. The only version of 2.7.x ruby that's currently available is 2.7.7…and it's going to EOL soon.

I just upgraded my ruby to 3.2.1. I'd try a newer version of ruby first.

-- sw


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