7 Days to Die Random Spikes of Lag

I have an Ubuntu server with 4 cores and 8GB or RAM. Only me and three others play on the 7 Days to Die server I have running on it. They will tell me that randomly sometimes (and I can look at the analytics and see this) they begin to experience some lag. I do see random instances of high network traffic and 60-70% CPU usage at those times, but I can't narrow down what's causing it. Is there some kind of diagnostic tool I can use to help me narrow down what's happening at those times?

1 Reply

I do see random instances of high network traffic and 60-70% CPU usage at those times, but I can't narrow down what's causing it. Is there some kind of diagnostic tool I can use to help me narrow down what's happening at those times?

Have you tried scanning the system logs and looking for abnormal behavior during those times?

While it's impossible for me to determine without access to your Linode (please don't offer so I don't have to politely decline), your description sounds like some kind of network attack. Since Linodes have public IP addresses, Russian & Chinese (and proxies in other disparate locations) ssh dictionary attacks begin almost immediately after you spin up a new Linode (within minutes…an unfortunate consequence of the advent of cloud computing).

Have you enabled a firewall? Is it configured correctly? If not, you are in for far bigger problems.

-- sw


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