Disable Content-Disposition Header for Object Storage

Linode Staff

When using Object Storage, my PDF files are being downloaded automatically, rather than opening up in a browser tab. How do I disable this?

1 Reply

Howdy! You can utilize s3cmd to make this adjustment and update your content-delivery header. Down below, you can make the adjustment from “attachment”, which will download the file automatically, to “inline” which should open your object into a browser tab.


                        Provide a Content-Disposition for signed URLs, e.g.,
                        “attachment; filename=myvideo.mp4"
                        Provide a Content-Type for signed URLs, e.g.,


                        Provide a Content-Disposition for signed URLs, e.g.,
                        "inline; filename=myvideo.mp4"
                        Provide a Content-Type for signed URLs, e.g.,

Hope this helps!


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