Fallback / redundant linode - possibilities?

I'm wondering if there's a way I can have 2 linodes, one mirroring the other, for the purpose of providing some redundancy should one of my servers become unavailable.

What sort of tools would I require for this?

Ideally I'd like to avoid having a "central point of failure", so my ideas about having some sort of gateway server that determines which node is up, etc. probably would not be adequate in this respect.

Basically, I just want some way to mirror the servers contents, and be able to redirect requests from one node to the other if it fails.

Only way I can see that working is via DNS, but given that most computers cache DNS entries that also does not seem viable.

Any ideas?

1 Reply

I know its not done yet, but from one of Cakers previous posts, one of the things hes looking at doing with the new multiple linodes on a single account, is have floating ip addresses which could work in your situation so if one host goes down the other just takes its ip(s) and does all of its work as well..

Im not sure if there was an ETA to this being implemeneted but it might be something worth following up on.


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