✓ Solved

I have signed up for a new account but I don't see $100 credit anywhere. How do I get it?

I have signed up for a new account but I don't see a $100 credit anywhere. How do I get it?

I already see some accrued charges and see nothing in credits, so I think the credit didn't get added to my account

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

@forbidden Linode Support is happy to help you out here. The Community Question site is where can post questions about internal configuration issues or deployment setup.

Feel free to open a Support ticket from within Cloud Manager, and we can get this applied to your account.

Thank you! Will do so.

(I thought this was the right place after clicking on the bottom-right support button, wasn't obvious there was a different place for this.)

Thank you! Will do so.

(I thought this was the right place after clicking on the bottom-right support button, wasn't obvious there was a different place for this.)


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