✓ Solved

Can't access website by domain name but can access by IP

I have set up Linode with an IP and I finished the necessary DNS configuration on Domain Name (ulitmatelifestyle.app) last week ago.

Now, I'm facing the issue that is I can't access my website from Domain Name but it's working fine on IP.

When I try and enter ulitmatelifestyle.app in my browser, it shows "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED".

How can I solve it? Thanks in advance for any help!

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

The problem is a simple typo. You probably meant ultimatelifestyle.app, not ulitmatelifestyle.app (small typo in the first three letters).

I ran this command which you can use to troubleshoot similar situations in the future:

% nslookup ulitmatelifestyle.app

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: ulitmatelifestyle.app

Since it showed a very different IP than you set up, I became puzzled, then noticed the typo. Without the typo the IP is correct, so I think you did set it up right after all. :-)

% nslookup ultimatelifestyle.app

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: ultimatelifestyle.app

Best of luck


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