How do I deploy a container?

I have a computational problem that requires more resources (CPU+RAM) than on my current Linode. I want to debug it first on my Linode using a small-scale model and then package the executable into a container and deploy it on a cloud with larger resources.
Where can I read instructions on how to do that?

1 Reply

There are many ways to do that all the way from the simplest (just take notes on how you set it up and repeat the same steps later) to the most complex (write a shell script or set up a docker image that automates those steps), but rather than going into that further, I want to point out a much easier approach: Linode resizing.

Linodes can be resized to have more or less resources, although they have to be rebooted to take effect.

As of this writing the cheapest Linode is $5/month, 1 GB of RAM, etc. The most expensive is $3840/month, 512 GB of RAM, etc.

So the easiest way would be to just do whatever you like to test, then when you need the big resources, upgrade temporarily to the size you need. You can then downgrade when done so you only spend a few hours or days at the higher level instead of the full month.

Hope this helps


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