

1 Reply

I'm using Google Translate to understand this question. It translated your post to the following:


After the program is installed, port 8080 cannot be opened


The ip is, after the program is installed successfully + the port cannot be opened

Even though you didn't post many details, I would first check the service logs for whatever service you're trying to run.

Another idea I had was checking the port's status from the outside by running an nmap scan with the Linode's IP and the port number, using syntax like this:

nmap -sV -p 8080 --reason

Running this provided this information to me:

PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 8080/tcp open http-proxy syn-ack (proxy authentication required)

Based on this, it looks like the service is now running and accepting traffic on that port. But, since no one but you would have access to the service logs, you've better situated to know if that's accurate.


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