I cant connect to my ip address

I cant connect to my IP address

It's showing

  • This site can’t be reached172.105.43.155 refused to connect.

I just joined Linode and don't know much but I was following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v66ESQQW7CY to make a wordle web app.

and in the end, when I tried to go to my IP address it showed that.
I tried pinging it so it was working then I tried

nmap scanme.nmap.org

it showed that 4 ports are open and 80/tcp is one of them. (which I need)

image of nmap scanme.nmap.org

then I also did nmap

image of nmap

and it showed that 80/tcp is closed.

I tried to open the port and did all three things in it https://bobcares.com/blog/linode-open-port/

it showed success too but port 80 is still not open.

showing success

now, how can I access my IP address?

5 Replies

What are you trying to connect to? A website? Did you create a virtual host?

yes i am trying to connect to the website.
and how to make a virtual host but in the tutorial they didn't made it and it worked. can you tell what it does and why do we need to create it ?

The questions you ask are very basic which tells me that you don't YET have the technical expertise or experience to be running your own server and might be better off transferring to an ISP (i.e. Pair.com is my favorite) who will set up everything for you.

Linode has a number of tutorials and guides on how to create the infrastructure for a website i.e. loading the LAMP programs and creating virtual hosts for your domains, as well as setting the DNS at an external registry (i.e. GoDaddy etc.) There are also lots of YouTube videos on Linode setup.

We can help with small, individual problems, but it is incumbent on you to do the basic research and follow the tutorials.

You can do it… it just takes a bit of time to 'ramp up' on the technology. If I can do it, anyone can!

Well now I am also thinking maybe I am not made for this and I also just followed the tutorial this one -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v66ESQQW7CY

and theirs was able to be deployed.

but I will search a little more net and try again. thanks for going through it.

never mind i was able to solve it.


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