How do I pass UDF Variables between StackScripts?

I've been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find any way to do this. I am calling other stackscripts like so

<ssinclude StackScriptID="1">

and I am hoping you can do something like

<ssinclude StackScriptID="1" username="user" password ="..." ...etc>

Let me know if it's possible or not, thanks.

1 Reply


You got it! This is absolutely possible. What we need is to do is separate out the user defined variables from Linode's special <ssinclude>directive. This is just bash, so everything on its own newline is fine. You can export your variables to other additional scripts, or source additional stackscripts directly. Here's an example

# this parent script sets some variables and downloads a child script.
password="an insecure password"
<ssinclude StackScriptID=1204415> 

# we know the name of the file that the ss directive will create 
# set that file to be executable and source it 
chmod +x ssinclude-1204415
. ssinclude-1204415


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