DNS manager domain.com and www.domain.com


With Firefox, both www.domain.com and domain.com work but from IE only www.domain.com is fine.

I am using Centos5 with apache 2.2 and my httpd.conf file contains:

ServerName domain.com

Redirect permanent / http://www.domain.com/

DocumentRoot /websites/domain

ServerName www.domain.com

In the Linode's DNS manager, under the domain zone domain.com, I have two A records, one with hostname www.domain.com and the other with domain.com. Once submitted, the first one appears as www and the other is blank. In both cases, the IP is the same.

I last made changes to the DNS manager more than one hour ago.

Any idea where I am making a mistake? Thanks for your help

1 Reply


Sorry for the noise but it actually works fine. That's good!



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