How to get crypto wallets to accept incoming connections

I am running windows 10 inside my linode. I want to use my linode's for crypto wallets and hosting MasterNodes. However I can't get incoming connections to my wallets. I've made incoming firewall rules for the wallet. Tried turning off firewall. The wallets work on my home computer and I've even copied over a wallet data by data. Something is not allowing connections(peers) to reach my connection

1 Reply

Checking the firewall configuration is a good start. You'll also want to ensure that the service you're using is listening on the correct port, so that the service is expecting incoming connections. You can do that by examining the settings of the program you're using, and verify it by using something like Netstat. More specific troubleshooting will depend on what specific software you're using; for example, Bitcoin Core has a specific setting that says "allow incoming connections." You'll want to check to see if there's a similar configuration in your setup that may be preventing connections from coming in.


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