Is there an easy way to migrate my local web server to a linode

I'm running ubuntu 20.04 locally

1 Reply


Yes, IF you have done it a hundred times like I have. If you haven't, it can be somewhat cumbersome.

Assuming you have a running Linode with a LAMP stack and a virtual host for the domain you will use and the DNS has been changed to send web traffic to your Linode:

  • Dump the local database
  • Zip up the entire WP directory.
  • Upload the zip to the Linux Public HTML and unzip
  • Upload the dump file to the new WP directory
  • Install phpMyAdmin
  • Create a new MySQL database with phpMyAdmin
  • Load the new database from the dump file with phpMyAdmin
  • Use a search/replace utility to put the domain name in the database
  • Edit the wp-config.php file with the user/pass etc. for the new database
  • Run the system.
  • Debug it if necessary

Maybe there are some apps or scripts out thre that will do all of this for you, but I don't know of one. I do it the old fashioned way.

Good luck.



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