Error connecting to MySQL from Zapier

Hi. I am trying to connect to MySQL with Zapier via a webhook. They I have added access control for their ip as was suggested by their help. And run the following commands:

CREATE USER 'zapier'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON your_database.your_table TO 'zapier'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

I am still getting an error.

"We hit an error adding your new account
authentication failed: Could not connect with zapier@ and provided password. The response we got from the server is included below for debugging purposes. (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (2059, "Authentication plugin 'b'sha256_password'' not configured") (Background on this error at:"

I am out of ideas on how to fix this issue. It could be a problem with the certificate not being trusted, but I don't know how to fix that.

Has anyone else seen this issue?



1 Reply

Hey Rhoda - I Googled the error message that you posted and found this post on Stack Overflow that suggests it could be related to your Linode's setup using PyMySQL:

Thanks for posting the error message here, it makes trying to figure out what the software is complaining about easier to identify.


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