How do I recover deleted linodes? Is there a way?

My linode account services has been deleted a year ago. I have paid the bill but is it too late now to recover deleted linodes? Is there any possibility I can access them again?
Thank you.

5 Replies

We create a recovery Image when a Linode is deleted. That said, recovery Images have an expiration date, determined by how old the Linode was. Based on the timeline you described, I do not think the recovery Images would still exist. If they did, you would see them in the Images section of the Cloud Manager, under the Recovery Images section.

I can't see Recovery Images section in my dashboard. Could you please tell me where can I see Recovery Images section

The recovery images should be located under the images tab of the cloud manager.

I also can’t view this mentioned section. Is this feature assumed to exist but the support forums community isn’t aware it doesn’t exist anymore?

The Recovery Images section will only appear if there are available Images. I was not aware of this when I responded to this post previously. Sorry for the confusion.

It was mentioned on a related post, though I wanted to acknowledge it here as well: there is a delay between when the Linode is deleted and when the Recovery Image becomes available.


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