✓ Solved

My custom image is consitenly panicking

Hi Team

I created vyos custom image on my local virtual workstation, then copied the vmdk file and converted using below command

1.qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk -O raw VPN-X-disk1.vmdk VPN-X-disk1.img
2.qemu-img info VPN-X-disk1.img
3.gzip VPN-X-disk1.img

I uploaded those on custom image and tried booting up however its consistently panicking.

Can someone please help?

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

You'll need to remember to go into your Linode configuration, find the profile where your image is booting, and change the kernel to direct disk booting. If you don't, the Linode kernel will try and boot the image, then will panic because it can't mount the disk as a single recognized file system. This has been a constant feature of custom raw disk images being uploaded and booted for the first time, so far as I am aware. It's probably the main reason I don't use this feature as often as I could.

You are a savior man!!


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