Server Rebuild w/o Downtime?

Hi All,

I want to rebuild my server but I don't want the downtime.

The only way I can think of doing this is to "Add a linode" to my account, do the rebuild, wait for DNS to propagate and then cancel the old one after a week.



4 Replies

Hi Mike -

That is the only way to do it without downtime.

You may find the following threads to be useful, depending on how you plan to rebuild your Linode:


Interesting that this is coming up at the moment as i was thinking of doing the same thing, however i dont particularly want to have to kill my old server, for billing etc.

If i was to do the same thing, buy a new node for a month, rebuild, make a nice new production system, would it be possible for that image to be moved across and replace the old one, and then just not renew the monthly one?

You could always boot your old linode into the "rescue" image (hmm, forget what it's called; there's a distribution which doesn't require any linode disk space) and copy your monthly image over and reboot. 'ssh monthly dump | restore' or similar might work.


Interesting that this is coming up at the moment as i was thinking of doing the same thing, however i dont particularly want to have to kill my old server, for billing etc.

If i was to do the same thing, buy a new node for a month, rebuild, make a nice new production system, would it be possible for that image to be moved across and replace the old one, and then just not renew the monthly one?

That's precisely what I did last month - Tom's first link above will take you to the method I used. Assuming your new temporary node is hosted in the same DC, you shouldn't even need to contact Linode to get the ball rolling on this.


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