API for the DNS interface


Ive been asking a few times in the channel but havnt gotten a response so i thought i might make a thead for it.

Is there any chance that you will release an api for the dns manager? so that we can automate somethings like custom dns and a few other things like that?


3 Replies

Now that slave zones are supported by Linode, I just run BIND myself and do zone transfers.

EDIT: I guess that effectively is an API. :D

Whislt i do aggree that it is easier with slave zones, you still have to configure all the zones on the webpanel. If there was an api i could easily do that. Chances are ill just script the post data stuff :)

Atleast i think thats right, i cant make the linode servers take EVERYTHING that my servers spit out, with a simple setting can i?

The other question i was just ponder.. IF i set my server(s) up to show the records, have linode servers as the slaves.. Is there issues with making ns1.linode.com and ns2.linode.com the primary for all the websites, and not even mention my own server?



I don't think you can bypass the per-zone setup of the linode servers; transfers happen on a per-zone basis, anything extra will be ignored.

But yeah, you don't need to mention your master zone as a primary. That's a fairly common setup.


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