After installing Kubernetes, Prometheus and Grafana 2 new IP

After installing Kubernetes, Prometheus and Grafana on a linode ubuntu server, and connect the nodes, i deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard UI.
Now is the funny part.
I see in the clusters Prometheus and Grafana, but they are installed on a new two ip adresses.!?!?
Instead of installing prometheus and Grafana on my cluster.
I absolute have no idea how this happen. And i need to access these pages so i can edit them properly.
Of course i cant ssh those new Ip adresses.

Someone with idea ?
Someone can help with advice ?
In short i need Kubernetes, Prometheus and Grafana on a linode ubuntu server where i can edit everything.

1 Reply

I see in the clusters Prometheus and Grafana, but they are installed on a new two ip adresses.!?!?

What are the IP addresses?

-- sw


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