'You don't have permission to access this resource' error during Wordpress Configuration

I am setting up wordpress with ubuntu. and i am following this guide https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/install-wordpress-ubuntu-18-04/ i followed all steps. But in 'configure wordpress' part it gav an error like 'Forbidden
You don't have permission to access this resource.

Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at www.homelistt.com Port 443'

do you have any idea what should i do? my permissions are like https://bpa.st/GK3A

Thank you.

4 Replies

Permissions are only one part of it… Is your web server configured properly? For example, have you set up SSL correctly? That's not usually an automatic occurrence.

To set up SSL correctly, you need a certificate. Did you acquire one? This process, for sure, is not automatic with whatever guide/script you used.

When you make apache2 configuration changes, you usually have to restart your web server.

-- sw

i have already set up ssl. It was working without problem. And my firewall is like this https://bpa.st/2JLQ , and my ufw https://bpa.st/FPKA , and this is the var/www and apache status https://bpa.st/2O2Q(All apache on right are red and at the buttom (apache|httpd) is also red.

Besides, i already restarted apache2 many times.

Are you using php-fpm or mod_php? If it's php-fpm, you need to start that too. Posting your web server configuration would be helpful (including any .htaccess files). IMHO, that's where the problem is…

Also, please post the output of these commands:

sudo apache2ctl configtest  # does a syntax check on your apache2 configuration
sudo apache2ctl -M   # shows and the apache2 modules you have loaded

Wrt your firewall, these rules:

80/udp                     ALLOW       Anywhere
443/udp                    ALLOW       Anywhere
80/udp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
443/udp (v6)               ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)

are completely worthless. http/https are stream protocols only…not datagram protocols (udp).

By default, outbound traffic is usually unrestricted so these rules serve no purpose and just take up space:

80                         ALLOW OUT   Anywhere
443                        ALLOW OUT   Anywhere
53                         ALLOW OUT   Anywhere
80 (v6)                    ALLOW OUT   Anywhere (v6)
443 (v6)                   ALLOW OUT   Anywhere (v6)
53 (v6)                    ALLOW OUT   Anywhere (v6)

I don't know what the rules OpenSSH and Apache Full are. My guess is that you probably don't need them either (there's no port/protocol associated with them).

is there a way to undo all the commands that i used in this guide?

Not unless you know what they are and what the converse is.

-- sw


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