✓ Solved

How much time we have before banned by Big Tech?

Linode was a refuge island for those of us banned and de-platformed by AWS, Google, GoDaddy and others. How much time we have before the same thing starts happening on "former" Linode?

Gab had to build their own data center, and eventually we all must do the same if we want to stay online. What do you think folks, how much time we have left before Big Tech swallows Linode too?

12 Replies

✓ Best Answer

As has always been our policy, content hosted on Linode services must comply with Linode's AUP:


Linode must receive a valid abuse complaint before we can remove content. There are no plans to change this.

Finally, on this point:

What people post on my nodes in Hubzilla is not my responsibility.

Content hosted on your Linodes is your responsibility.

Maybe don't post hate speech, and you won't have these problems?

@Bushytails: If I do post hate speech, how much time I have before I get de-platformed? I host for MAGA, AmericaFirst, hoping to soon host for Convention of States - all of these are civic-minded people, and all of these people are living on borrowed time. So, how long?

Hopefully not very long.

@Bushytails Civic-minded people never post anything outrageous or illegal, but political fanatics may anytime call anything hate speech. Your attitude proves that separating political activity from civic activity depends on the personal opinion of those who control the environment. In this environment civic discourse does not exists, everything is inspected through the lenses of political activism.

Thank you for your time.

Gab had to build their own data center, and eventually we all must do the same

There is no guarantee of free speech on Linode or any other ISP. Linode can host to anyone they want and deny hosting to anyone they want.

The guarantee of free speech only applies to the federal government.

@acanton77 --

The guarantee of free speech only applies to the federal government.

Actually, the First Amendment applies only to state actors.

A state actor is defined as a person who is acting on behalf of a governmental body, and is therefore subject to limitations imposed on government by the United States Constitution, including the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments, which prohibit the federal and state governments from violating certain rights and freedoms.

Private companies, like Linode, Google, Intel, HP, etc., are not generally bound by the Bill of Rights. This is why we have laws.

Linode can deny service to whoever it wants whenever it wants and for whatever reason. Since this forum is privately-owned/-operated by a corporate entity, there is no guarantee of free speech here…unless Linode offers such a guarantee explicitly (which, IMHO, they have not done).

-- sw

I already accepted the answer "not very long before accounts going to be cancelled based on personal opinions of what is considered a hate speech".

It is what it is.

Civic-minded people never post anything outrageous or illegal, but political fanatics may anytime call anything hate speech.

Generalize (fantastically) much? Who defines "civic-minded" and "political fanatics"?

Reply if you like…but I'm not going to respond.

-- sw

At the same token, just mention MAGA, America First, Trump, Convention of States and everyone is assumed to be White Supremacist. Goes both ways.

None of this was an issue a decade ago, now I can lose all my VPS because someone pretending to be someone else leaves kiddeporn all over my networks. Just because I support Trump I am a target, I must be de-platformed.

Is this a concern, will Akami/Linode going to change their policy, allowing people to remove others based on personal opinions?

I promote Linode as the primary service in the VPS - Debian - YunoHost - Hubzilla service stack. What people post on my nodes in Hubzilla is not my responsibility. But they KNOW I host on Linode. So.. how long before I get kicked?

Any opinions?

I once considered hosting a Mastodon server, but decided not to due the possibility of someone posting something illegal and having to deal with that responsibility.

Thank you for letting us know that there are no plans to change the Linode's AUP.

Every Linode account owner should make sure that the abuse account of their domain(s) is fully functional. Linode is not responsible for my conduct and content, and I am not responsible for other's conduct and content. Both Linode and I want to find those individuals, and make them responsible for their conduct and content. Before Linode removes my account I need a chance to find and remove the offending account.

I guess the uncertainty is going to remain regarding if "civic-minded", "political fanatic", and "Trump 2024!" is considered hate speech.


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