How do I upgrade from Ubuntu 1904 (EOL) to Ubuntu 20.04 ?
I have a linode on ubuntu 1904 which is now end of life (EOL) and the upgrade tool does not support upgrading to 20.04? See below output. Any suggestions on how to go about this?
sudo do-release-upgrade
Reading cache
Checking package manager
Can not upgrade
An upgrade from 'disco' to 'focal' is not supported with this tool.
1 Reply
I'd recommend the following if you can't migrate your applications and data a new server with the latest version installed:
0. Shutdown and Clone Your Linode (in case something breaks)
1. Do the following repeatedly as root (rebooting when suggested) until there are no packages needing updates:
apt update
apt full-upgrade
2. Reboot
3. Run do-release-upgrade
4. Go back to step 1, until you are at the version you want.
If anything complains about not being able to find mirrors, update your/etc/apt/sources.list
file to use the Ubuntu archive repositories:
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup
sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list
If after you do this and you go to do a
and it says "No new release found", then you will need to force a version upgrade. To get the current release you can:
lsb_release -sc
Edit your
to replace the current version with the next version alphabetically until you have upgraded to an LTS release.Ubuntu Releases:
Reading the release notes for each version you are upgrading to is strongly recommended.
See Also: for details