can not open lish console on my cloud manager

hi, i am trying to access lish through my linode cloud manager but the only thing that i see is a black screen, as if it uploading something. Even i changed the browser (instead of google i login my linode on firefox) i couldnt access it. How can i fix this problem or what can be the reasons of it?

1 Reply

As far as I'm concerned, there aren't any known issues or reports with the Cloud Manager or LISH console. My LISH works fine even in Chrome or Firefox. It could be an issue specific to the internal of your Linode. Does this affect all Linodes within your account or just one Linode. Also have you tried clearing your cache/cookies? When you see the "uploading" screen can you press Enter and see if that bring up your console screen.

If you are still having issues open a support ticket and included images of your LISH console and a member of the support team will be in touch.


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