All my Linode Ports are Blocked After Trying to Install Selenium With Python

I have been working on my linode server to install selenium with python and the all the ports including the following issues:

80/tcp (blocked)
22/tcp (blocked)
443/tcp (blocked)
all other ports
No Ping to google
Not apt-get working.
No download using wget.

I could not be able to login, so i logged in via Rescue mode. Then i tried to locate ufw or iptables but there was no ufw installed. So right now i am unable to perform anything on the server.

Can anyone please help me figure this problem out?

2 Replies

I could not be able to login, so i logged in via Rescue mode. Then i tried to locate ufw or iptables but there was no ufw installed. So right now i am unable to perform anything on the server.

The OS you boot in Rescue Mode is not the OS that operates your Linode normally. The Rescue Mode OS is a memory-based Linux distro called Finnix.

Finnix doesn't have any firewall in it. It also doesn't have networking support in it. About all it can do is mount/unmount discs and give you enough capability to fix whatever (stupid) mistake you made to make you Linode break.

Once you reboot out of Rescue Mode, Finnix disappears.

It sounds like your firewall is set to some kind of default, "block everything" mode. You need to fix that.

You can gain access to your Linode through the console -- lish or weblish:

  • Log in to the Linode Cloud Manager (
  • Click on the name of the Linode you want to log in to.
  • Click on the button labeled "Launch LISH console".

That should give you enough of a terminal to get your firewall straightened out (i.e., access to ufw). Beware that lots of messages appear on the console that have higher priority than your login and whatever it is you're doing so, if you're running interactive programs like vi at the console for extended periods of time, you are likely to be doing more damage by saving files with system messages in the middle of them.

Login; do what you need to do; and then logout. Use an ssh session to fine tune things.

Don't forget to enable DNS too (TCP and UDP port 53). Both apt and wget need that as well.

-- sw

Thanks for giving be such a useful response.


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