Cloud Init Support - Still coming?

Is there an ETA for Cloud Init support? From the blog post by Christopher Aker, June 16, 2021.

Providing support for Cloud Init and a Metadata Service

4 Replies

There is currently not an ETA for Cloud Init in general but it is currently installed by default in the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS distribution images.

There is a tutorial on how to get started with cloud-init demonstrated using Linode by LearnLinuxTV.

@deanlw - I wanted to let you know our Instance Metadata service is now in open beta. Take it for a spin and let us know what you think!

Is there an ETA on the Metadata service being rolled out to more datacenters? Would love to try it in Sydney.

As of right now (Nov. 2023), the Metadata service is available in the following regions:

  • Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Chennai (India)
  • Chicago (USA)
  • Jakarta (Indonesia)
  • Los Angeles (USA)
  • Miami (USA)
  • Milan (Italy)
  • Osaka (Japan)
  • Paris (France)
  • São Paulo (Brazil)
  • Seattle (USA)
  • Stockholm (Sweden)
  • Washington DC (USA)

I don't have an ETA to share on when it will expand to other data centers. You can keep an eye on our blog for service updates and specifically see the availability of the Metadata service in our product documentation.


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