How do I fix my DNS?

Hi all
I hired a basic server a few days ago.
I am new to using a vps.
I am some experience with linux, but do not claim to be a total expert.

The purpose was to install a vpn + pi hole. The purpose is for privacy & security online when using public wifi and for my phone.
It went well it seems.
I also went through the recommended setup for securing ssh
I also installed portainer with a view to install usefuel containers.

It worked well until now.
Now dns does not work when I log into the machine.
I can still use the vpn just fine, but cannot update any packages.

How is this fixed?


3 Replies

What linux distro are you using on the VPS ?

Also when I log into pihole, it gives warnings:

DNSMASQ_WARN LOUD WARNING: listening on (my linode ip) may accept requests via interfaces other than eth0


DNSMASQ_WARN LOUD WARNING: use --bind-dynamic rather than --bind-interfaces to avoid DNS amplification attacks via these interface(s)

In the shell if I do nslookup, the reply is
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Help appreciated.


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