How do I set up passwordless authentication with Linode?

I'm new at using Linode. I'm building a webapp that follows a SaaS model and want to use as the authentication service. Not sure how to set it up in Linode. Please Help! Thanks you.

1 Reply

You will want to look at our introductory guides to familiarize yourself with Linode:

You would do your development work normally as you would on any other server. There are many different ways to develop web applications, and without knowing what tools you are using and what services you are targeting, it would be impossible to say anything specific about what you might need to do. provides libraries Libraries for JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Laravel, Ruby, PHP, Go, WordPress and integrates with React Native and Flutter if you plan on using those tools.

For a 10,000ft perspective, it looks like you would:

  • Deploy a Linode
  • Login
  • For most social media types you will need to set up a developer account on those platforms
  • Install the Magic developer SDK and OAuth Extension that provides the code you would use in your application to perform the authentication with the platforms you are targeting.
  • Write your code


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