Auto Power On Nanode

Cloned a running instance thru Linode Rest API into another Nanode with parameter 'booted' set to true, but the newly cloned Nanode was default to 'off' state and requires a manual Power On.

Expect the new Nanode power on by itself without manual intervention.

Is there any quick fix to this?

1 Reply

The API endpoint for cloning a Linode doesn't accept a booted parameter akin to the Create/Rebuild endpoints.

That said, I think it probably should. I've created an internal request to have this feature added to our API, however I'm unsure if/when we'll be able to get that set up.

In the meantime, the best workaround I can think of would be to issue a Linode Boot once you detect the Linode has finished deploying with Linode List. I know this isn't ideal, but I'm struggling to think of something better.


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