✓ Solved

Linode ASN showing up on UCEPROTECT again

Hi, I just noticed that I cannot send email to Gmail (550 571) and received the unsolicited/spam bounce email. I checked the IP with mxtoolbox and although I have not setup DMARC the SPF checks out fine. I’ve had this linode for several years now and never had an issue before. Doing the RBL check shows that is listed as a Level 2 offender - (heavens to Betsy). I know these guys are crooks but wanted to pass this along. Hopefully it will get resolved so I can email my wife.


4 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Most RBLs block on IPv4 /24 or IPv6 /64, which are the common subnet sizes for shared networks. These are the sorts of things that happen when you share the subnet with a couple hundred of your closest friends :)

I've had better luck sending to Google by getting a separate IPv6 /64 delegated to my Linode and binding my MTA outbound to an IP in that subnet.

@Nivex that’s a pretty good idea, I’ll have to look into that this weekend or something. :) Just strange that it happened this afternoon after several years.

I’m setting up DMARC right now so hopefully that will help as well.


UCEPROTECT is an extortionist racket that can safely be ignored. Your main issue at this time is lack of DMARC and SPF.

Thanks @whatsmyname, didn't realize how far this person took things. I spent yesterday and got the DMARC, SPF, and DKIM all working and no more issues.


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