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Resources used in VPS

I would like to run a dedicated CPU VPS, specifically the $240/month plan.

How many of the RAM/CPU/SSD Storage can be used once the server's installation has been done, I'm planning on running a daemon, so this would be very crucial, thank you everyone :)

Also, what's the different between:

  • RAM
  • Swap
  • Disk Space

Thanks yet again.

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How many of the RAM/CPU/SSD Storage can be used once the server's installation has been done

If your Linode’s plan includes 2GB RAM, you can use 2GB. If it includes 80GB SSD, you can use 80GB. Yes some of this will be taken by your Linode’s OS, but how much will depend on what distro you choose, but it’s still your resources to use.

On shared CPU plans, your virtual cores are scheduled on physical cores with other Linode’s.

I’ve asked support this before and they said a guideline of up to around 75% constant CPU usage is allowed on shared plans.

Also, what's the different between:

RAM - physical memory that stores temporary data while a machine is running. Very fast, typically used to store executing programs, cache files etc.

Swap - virtual memory used as an extension of RAM, usually physically stored on a hard disk device, so much slower. Only really needed when RAM is getting tight. The OS will “swap out” older data from RAM to swap so more recent data can go on faster storage

Disk Space - more permanent storage for your files: the OS, your apps and data etc.


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