Cannot run snap for certbot on CentOS 8

Linode Staff

Hi, I don't know if you will be able to help me, but I have searched a lot and could not find an answer. Hope you can help.
Recently, I created a new CentOs 8 Linode and configured it for LAMP. I'm trying to install certbot using snap but I'm stuck because snap doesn't want to work. Every time I try to run snap I get an error:
cannot communicate with the server: timeout exceeded while waiting for response
or sometimes
error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get "http://localhost/v2/snaps": dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused
I've googled the errors but couldn't find a solution.
I'm wondering if this is a CentOs 8 related problem because I have done the same process in a CentOs 7 Linode with no problems.

1 Reply

The following post on the CentOS forum details attempts from other people on how to resolve this: snap just stop working

The situation ended up being a permissions change in the newest version. The proposed solution can be found on this specific post by the user rospionne.

Situations where the error message keeps changing are always difficult to solve. I'm glad to see that the CentOS community was able to assist each other here.


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