Wireguard VPN not connecting, slow

I'm a newbie to Linux and I've set up my first Wireguard VPN. I've got it successfully running on my desktop and I can connect with no problems. However, I've noticed that some websites are considerably slower to pull up or will not pull up if I have the VPN activated. What can I do to fix this?

1 Reply

There can be many variables that cause performance issues while using a VPN.

It could be the physical distance the traffic takes from the VPN to your desktop. If you think it's related to this, I'd suggest running speed tests to see if another location would be a better option: Linode Speed Tests

Specifically to WireGuard, I found this guide that walks you through updating the MTU setting, which may be throttling your traffic. It suggests using vim to edit the configuration file, though if you're new to Linux, Nano might be a better text editor for you:

Improve Your Wireguard Server's Performance


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